As you are aware the dawn of the smartphone has effectively changed the way we all go about our daily lives. Online booking brings convenience and simplicity, this paired with the widespread use of mobile devices means the growth of the app-based taxi booking services has been dramatic in the last few years. Many areas in Britain and around the world are already making full use of this technology to provide a modern, safe and convenient taxi service, and now we are offering you the opportunity to join us in offering these services to your customers.
At the present time there is no taxi service in your area which allows the customer to safely and efficiently book a taxi through their smartphone without the need to ring in and talk to an operator. We are the first to offer a service where the customer can book, pay by card and view exactly where their taxi is, all in the tap of a button.
We are very keen to get new, professional and hard working drivers on board and bring the taxi trade up to date. Over the last few months we have conducted exhaustive research in your area, and the overwhelming positive response from prospective customers gives us great optimism.
The vast majority of the taxi trade in your area either uses decades old methods to book and dispatch taxis, or have adopted some sort of PDA based system. These systems have had their time, and although some have been somewhat successful, none offer the level of efficiency, simplicity and transparency we are now offering you. The days of 'rank lists', 'area jobs' and disagreements over who was closer or 'no-show' customers are at an end. We are offering the fairest, most economical and most flexible service to date. You choose which job you want, and the driver geographically closer get the job, all visible to all in real time on your smartphone. You can remain on your existing taxi system, and use our app to supplement your income, if you happen to be dropping off your own customer and we have a customer on the same street, and you are the closest driver on our app, you get the job!
We hold all our customer details on record, thereby effectively deterring anti-social behaviour towards the driver for risk of recourse, and no risk to the driver to be subjected to the age old ‘Sorry mate, left my wallet at home’ situation at the end of a journey. We also have a ‘customer rating system’; where at the end of each journey the driver has the opportunity to ‘rate’ the customer on aspects such as waiting time, behaviour and other parameters. Over time these ratings build up, and bad customers can be removed from our system.
We already have an aggressive marketing strategy in place, targeting every demographic and aspect of the taxi trade, and we are extremely confident of the service and the projected customer base we will provide for you. All we need now is your help to grow and culture this new and exciting app based booking service!!